  • Veal sirloin gr 300

  • Fresh tuna gr 300

  • Extra virgin olive oil to taste

  • Soy sauce to taste

  • Capers to taste

  • Salt and pepper to taste

Ingredients for the mayonnaise:
  • Egg Yolk gr 20

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil gr 50

  • Soybean Oil gr 50

  • White wine vinegar to taste

  • Lemon juice to taste

  • Salt to taste


1. Massage the meat with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, salt and pepper.

2. Cook at 80°C in a steam oven, keeping the core at 54°C, and then let cool.

3. Prepare the mayonnaise by putting the egg yolk, salt, vinegar and lemon and adding the oil in a trickle using a whisk, adjusting the salt if necessary.

4. Marinate the tuna, finely chopped, in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, salt and add a few drops of soy sauce.

5. Serve alternating the finely sliced veal with the tuna and finish by adding the capers and Extra Virgin Olive Oil mayonnaise.