Olive oil in beauty routines
Olive oil is rich in fatty acids, phytosterols, squalene (a hydrocarbon and a triterpene present in olives, among other things)and vitamin E. It is excellent for more than just as food.
Thanks to its composition, it has notable antioxidant properties and is able to prevent the effects of aging in the skin, such as wrinkles, loss of skin tone and elasticity, and dark spots. For this reason it should be included in our daily beauty routine.
It is ideal for treating dry and dehydrated skin. Olive oil has a marked emollient function and counteracts the loss of water from the epidermis, keeping us hydrated and soft. Olive oil can be used safely even during pregnancy and nursing to prevent and avoid the formation of stretch marks and to care for the skin of new-borns and small children. It can be used by itself or mixed with other vegetable oils or butters, or even with the addition of essential oils to give it a pleasant smell or combine it with the benefits of aroma therapy.

Let’s have a look at the cosmetic uses of olive oil
1. Olive oil can be used even in the earliest months of pregnancy to effectively prevent the formation of stretch marks. Massage pure olive oil into your skin two or three times a day.
2. An anti-aging treatment for the skin can be prepared with 50 grams of rhassoul clay powder, 35 millilitres of olive oil and a teaspoon of curcuma. Mix these ingredients together until a smooth, homogeneous and dense cream is obtained. Apply it to damp skin while in the shower and leave it for ten minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water while massaging the body. No need to use a towel or apply cream after the rinse. Repeat the treatment once or twice a week to obtain smooth, soft and elastic skin.
3. To have soft hands and strong nails, stir a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil together vivaciously. A paste will form that should be immediately applied to the hands and left there for at least a half hour. Rinse with water and neutral pH soap. Repeat the treatment two or three times a week to prevent the aging of the skin on your hands and the formation of dark spots.
4. You can prepare a deep cleaning, anti-wrinkle mask that is all natural. Mix together a teaspoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of white clay. Stir the two ingredients well and at the end add a drop of lavender essential oil. Apply a thin layer of the mask over the whole face except for the eyes and rinse with lukewarm water after ten minutes. Use this purifying, anti-aging mask once or twice a week.
5. Olive oil can also be used as a remedy for sensitive, red or irritated skin. Massage a few drops of olive oil on the affected area twice a day. For a calming effect, add a drop of lavender essential oil for each teaspoon of olive oil.